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Terms & Conditions - HKUIFD, 花藝學校, 花藝課程, 花店實務, 證書課程, 花藝興趣班, 花藝心靈修養研集

1. 已報讀課程之人士,報讀後恕不得轉換其他課程。
All courses fee are not transferable.
2. 報讀課程時,需繳交留位置費用,餘下的所有學費及花材費必需於開課時候全數繳交。
When registering for a course, you need to pay a reservation fee, and all remaining tuition fees and flower material fees must be paid in full when the course starts.
3. 花藝工具會於學員報讀第一個課程時派發,上課時學員需自備工具。 興趣班課程,如有需要,本院有提供工具借用安排。
Floral tools will be distributed to students when they register for the first course. Students are required to bring their own tools during class. For interest class courses, if necessary, our college will provide tool loan arrangements.
4. 嚴禁學員在上課期間錄音或錄影,但如經導師批准則可攝影。
Sound or video recording are not allowed during lessons without any prior permission from school.
5. 如遇颱風警號(八號或以上),則當日課程暫停,補課安排另行通知。颱風過後,如八號風球在上午七時前除下,早上課程照常上課;如八號風球在正午十二時前除下,下午課程照常上課;如在下午四時前除下,晚間課程照常上課。黑色暴雨警告之上課安排類同。
Shall typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted or black rainstorm signal is in force, classes will be cancelled and reschedule by notice. If, however, the typhoon/rainstorm signal is lowered before 7:00 a.m. and noon, all morning and after classes will be held as scheduled respectively. All typhoon/rainstorm signal is lowered before 4:00 pm, evening
classes will be held as scheduled respectively.
6. 報讀課程之人士已繳付之學費,除因本校取消課程外,一概不可退還。
Unless courses are cancelled by the school, courses fees are not refundable or transferable.
7. 在可行情況下,導師、開課日期及上課地點將刊登於學院頁內,學院將盡量按所列的資料安排課程,惟學院保留在有需要的情況下作出改動的權利,學員將獲另行通知。
Where feasible, instructors, start dates and teaching venues of a course are posted in our website. Every effort is made to ensure that courses and classes are delivered in accordance with the information posted. However, the School reserves the right to make changes if necessary, and students will be duly informed of these changes.
8. 如遇有關課堂安排更改等的緊急情況,學院將向學生發放Whatsapp電話短訊,或在有需要時以其他方式,如電子郵件,以作通知。如 閣下對接收電話短訊通知遇有困難,請在開課前聯絡學院,以便作適當安排。
In cases of unexpected circumstances in class administration such as cancellation of classes, the School will send urgent messages via Whatsapp supplemented by other meanssuch as email (if the need arises), to students for their immediate attention. Students with genuine difficulty in receiving urgent messages by Whatsapp should contact us for
separate arrangements before the commencement of the courses.
9. 本校有權取消課程,學員請在接獲通知後一個月內憑收據往本校退款,逾期將不獲受理。
The school reserves the right on any cancellation of courses. In such circumstances, students should apply for refund with the original official receipt within one month upon notification by the school. Late application will not be accepted.
10. 如課程遇公眾假期休息,課程將會順延。(除特別通知或假日課程外)
Except Special holiday course or otherwise notified, the school shall be closed on public holiday, all classes will then be postponed accordingly
11. 學員如需請假,請於一星期前通知學校,而該堂課之花材必須於上課翌日到本校取回。如以傳真或電郵方式請假,須有學校的回覆確認文件方可作實。
If students ask for leave, on the condition that 1 week notice is given to the school prior to the commencement of that lesson. Students have to collect their materials no later than the next working day. (Students should keep record of confirmation from the school if application for absence is made by fax or email).
12. 各項課程的有關證書有不同要求,學員需符合該課程的要求及出席率達80%或以上,再經導師評審考核,確認達致水平後才會獲取證書,合資格之學員可獲得相關證書。如有遺失,修畢一年內申請,補發證書申請費用為港元HKD300.00。
The relevant certificates of each course have different requirements. Students must meet the requirements of the course and have an attendance rate of 80% or above. They will then be evaluated by the instructor and confirmed to have reached the level before they will receive the certificate. Qualified students can obtain Related certificates
If lost, please apply within one year after completion. The application fee for a replacement certificate is HKD300.00.
13. 學員上課必需依學校規則及導師之指導,如有違規者,學校有權取消學籍,而所繳付之費用也不會退還。
Students should observe school rules and regulations and follow teacher’s instructions. Failure to comply with such rules and regulations is liable to expulsion.
14. 學員因個人疏忽而導致任何意外或損失,本校概不負責。
The school shall not be responsible or liable for any losses, expenses, accidents, injury or damage to any person as a result of negligence by the person.
學員如有問題可致電學校查詢。 Please feel free to contact HKUIFD for any queries.

HKUIFD, 花藝學校, 花藝課程, 花店實務, 證書課程, 花藝興趣班, 花藝心靈修養研集

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